virtual receptionist call answering services


Janae Robinson


Virtual Receptionist


Feb 24, 2022


A virtual receptionist handles phone calls and other administrative tasks on behalf of your company, but they do it from a location that is not in your office. Virtual receptionists are not a new concept. However, their popularity is on the rise in a drastic way now that the world has started pivoting more heavily towards remote working. Previously, we discussed what a virtual receptionist does, but here we will discuss how they do it. You’re in the right place to find out how virtual receptionist work, as well as how they can benefit your business.

How a Virtual Receptionist Work For Your Business

When you choose to use a virtual receptionist service, you are depending on them to professionally answer the phone, accurately transfer calls, handle leads, and inform you of the calls that have come in. From start to finish, this should be a seamless and smooth process that eases the burden on your business and increases your productivity.

So, what exactly can you expect after you choose to use a virtual receptionist? Well, we can’t speak for other companies, but with Posh Virtual Receptionists, you will get a completely customisable experience that is dedicated to meeting your requirements.

Creating Custom Scripts and Call Handling Procedures

When a business decides to work with Posh, we want to ensure that they are getting the high-quality service they signed up for. Most accounts can be set up in 48 hours. In order to accomplish this, we have a short onboarding process that allows us to capture important company information. Once we get the basics of who you are, what you do, and who you serve, we will get some additional specifics. We will ask about employees, learn the pronunciation of names, and find out exactly how you want your calls handled.

These scripts and procedures will be used by receptionists to handle callers in the exact way you prefer. Every part of the account setup enables us to facilitate great first impressions for your callers. Most of them won’t even realize the receptionist is not sitting right there in the office with you. Our goal at Posh is to make the entire experience positive and seamless.

How the Virtual Receptionist Receives Your Calls

“That all sounds great! But how do I actually send my calls to the receptionist to handle?” – You, probably.

We have made forwarding your phone line to Posh very, very easy. Whenever you want Posh to handle your calls, simply open the Posh app on your phone and toggle on Call Forwarding. See? Easy.

We can even be your backup receptionist! If you or your team are too busy to answer, we can set up your account so that calls automatically route to us if you are unable to pick up within the first few rings.

Call Transfers

Curious how we know when you’re available to transfer the callers you want to speak with. Again, we made that very simple. Our app also lets you quickly set your status to ‘Accepting’ or  ‘Not Accepting’ transfers. From there, the receptionist will transfer the call or take a message depending on your availability and established protocols.

We’re expert gatekeepers, too. Our virtual receptionists can filter and screen calls so that you aren’t interrupted by things that don’t require your attention.

An important aspect of a virtual receptionist’s job is to ensure that all calls are transferred and handled properly. If someone calls to speak to the sales department, they don’t want to be sent to customer service and passed around until they get to the correct person. This can reflect poorly on your business and make you appear unorganised. With Posh, we take care of the callers you want us to handle, and we accurately route the callers you want to be handled in-house.


Taking and delivering messages is another fundamental part of how a virtual receptionist works. If you’re busy, (which is probably quite often), a remote receptionist can take a detailed message from the caller, collecting all the information you require. The receptionist will promptly send you your messages via text or email, and all message details are also available straight through the Posh app. This enables you to follow up with callers when it’s most convenient for you.


There’s a good chance your business is currently using software to manage clients. It could be an appointment scheduling app, a CRM system, or a case management platform. Wouldn’t it be nice if your virtual receptionist service could integrate with the tools you’re already using? At Posh, we make that a reality.

Part of the seamless nature of our virtual secretary service is our integration capabilities. While some receptionist service providers are limited to just a few integration options, we have developed partnerships that allow us to integrate with hundreds of different tools. This means we can help create customer support tickets, add new leads, schedule appointments on your calendar, and much more. A virtual receptionist should work to make your business more efficient and your life easier.  

How a Virtual Receptionist Works from the Client Side

Now, many people love the idea of a virtual receptionist from the business perspective but have concerns that outsourcing the receptionist role could be a drag on their client relationships. However, with the right virtual receptionist, your business-client relationships should thrive. Posh receptionists provide cohesive communication in a prompt, professional manner that endears clients to your company.

Seamless Communication

As we mentioned earlier, Posh’s goal is to make the experience so seamless that a customer won’t even notice they are talking to a virtual receptionist. When people dial your business, they’ll either have their questions answered by the virtual receptionist, get an appointment scheduled, leave a message knowing their issue is being addressed, or they’ll be transferred to the exact person they needed to speak with. Either way, they’ll all hang up happy to have called.

Speaking with a Person

When you call a business, you don’t want to have to deal with an automatic answering service that forces you to follow prompts. How many times have you yelled at your phone “Operator!” It can be incredibly frustrating to not feel heard or understood. Make sure your clients don’t feel that way by working with a virtual receptionist from Posh. All of your business calls are answered by a live person 24/7/365. Now, your clients won’t have to worry about leaving a voicemail or struggling through an automated service. 

Questions Addressed and Answered

Throughout the onboarding process, and the creation of call-handling scripts, our receptionists get to know you and your business. Now, you don’t have to worry about someone calling and your live virtual receptionist service is able to answer their questions. Even in the most complex of industries, we make sure to go above and beyond to create a detailed FAQ sheet. You know your business best, so let us know what to say, and it shall be said. 

 Why Posh

A virtual receptionist is an invaluable resource for your business. Selecting the right one can make or break your clients’ experience. Choose a well-trusted and quality virtual receptionist from Posh. Our onboarding process is quick and easy. We make sure to fully understand your business and seamlessly integrate ourselves into your existing processes. We offer a variety of benefits that allow you to fully customize your call handling. Don’t settle for anything less than excellence. Make Posh Virtual Receptionists a part of your team today!

What are you waiting for? Try Posh for up to 1-week absolutely free!

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